
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Is it friday yet?

My brain is about to explode with random thats what you get today my friends. Heathers random thoughts. You're welcome.
I am SO excited for this 16 year old step daughter is going on a 4 day church retreat and I cannot wait to see what God will do for her this weekend.
Its SUPER cold in my office..the furnace went out in our building. they dont have a repair date yet. AND its suppose to snow tomorrow. awesome sauce.
I woke up late this morning, and put half my makeup on while I was stopped at stop lights, and in the drive through line at starbucks.
I may or may not have ordered 2 CASES of vanilla and banana moon pies when I was at cracker barrell in TN. We dont have cracker barrells OR moon pies here in idaho. Its a travesty.
They may or may not have come yesterday....and I might have eaten 3 of them last night. Dont judge. If you've ever had a moon pie, you know you would have done the same thing.
I think I need an iPAD mini...if someone would like to buy me one, I will make you my BFF forever. AND I will give you a BIG hug. I give great hugs.
Do birds have teeth? Or just beaks? How do they chew their food? Do they just peck at it and swallow it?
I just got my first Love club box yesterday and I am in love with this service. IN LOVE. Get on the waitlist. NOW.
I think now I need to sign up for Pop Sugar
I am addicted to reality TV. I am kinda sad that the RHONJ is over. I love watching the crazy come out.
I am also sad that Jef and Emily broke up. If you dont know what I am talking about you must have a life. you must not be an addict like me.
I think thats it for the randomness today friends. Have a terrific tuesday.
Peace Out.


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  2. i've never had crackerbarrel. they aren't in washington either. at least not in seattle.

  3. I love those Moon Pies and Crackerbarrel! So glad I found you on the Coast to Coast blog list. I am a fellow Idahoan and new follower. I would love for you to join my new facebook group

  4. I LOCE RHONJ! I'm a Jersey girl, so I'm sure that's the main reason, but I'm sad they're done for the season too. I'm excited for Beverly Hills tomorrow night!


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