
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

31 days of giving

yesterday I was silent on my blog to show support for all of the families in Conn....but before that....I have been quiet on the blog because I have been trying to wrap my mind around the tragedy in Conn. My heart just breaks for those families, and for the family of the shooter. For everyone who was touched by that situation.
I am just praying that God is near to them, holding them and giving them the peace that only HE can give.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I am doing TOOKIES'S 31 days of giving! And I am JUST loving it.
 On Sunday, I went through a drive through at a local restaurant and the girl that was working the window was SO sweet. She looked like she had had a rough life. But her spirit was just adorable, and she was laughing and joking with me...she thought it was SO funny that both our names were Heather. Before I drove off, I asked her if she had kids...she said that she did, 4 of them. So I handed her some free movie passes and told her to take her babies to a movie! She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said "really? for me" When I smiled and said "yes! Merry Christmas!" she just cried! It touched my heart in a huge way.
On Monday night after work I went to sonic and picked up 3 $5 gift cards....
 I stuck a note in them that said "Merry Christmas! You've been R.A.K.E.D! We wanted to bless you with a random act of kindness! God Bless, and have a very Merry Christmas!" I handed them out to random people..A nurse at one of the nursing homes, a lady renting a redbox at Walgreens...and a women getting gas at the Chevron. It felt really good. Giving back when I have been blessed so much is awesome.
What have you done to give this month? What have you done to bless someone?


  1. My heart is still broken over the tragedy in CT. All we can do is pray! <3

    Love the random acts of kindness! :)

    I'm a new follower :) Merry Christmas!

  2. I hope you had a great Christmas!

    I nominated you for a Liebster Award! See more here:


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