
Thursday, May 16, 2013

Me, me, me

Its all about me.
Just kidding.
Actually this post is alot about me, but thats ok.
So remember when I told you I was trying to do the "every day in may" blog challenge? Well, how do I put this...I suck. I didnt even blog more than once a week. Blogger fail.
So last weekend was Mothers Day. It was a tough day for me. Since my mom is in heaven, and my daughter was with her dad in sucked. I was kind of a mess all day. But we had lots of places to go, so I put on a pretty dress...sucked it up, put on a smile and ALOT of waterproof mascara. It was hard to remember this amazing woman, and not be able to hug her and tell her how much I love her.
(me and my momma)
My oldest step daughter Kendra brought me some gorgeous flowers and a card that was so sweet it made me cry. I really am So blessed, even without my momma, and my baby girl...I still had SO much to be thankful for on Mothers Day.
She made me smile with my flowers....haha SO cheesy :)
Now I want you to meet this woman...
she is my "Pooh" my momma's momma...she is the most gracious, loving, dignified, smart, Jesus loving Woman I know. And I am SO honored to be her grand-daughter. Seriously...she is AMAZING.
My birthday is tomorrow and I was talking about it on facebook, and this is what she wrote on my comment:
"I know about your birthday. I was there. Everybody was very happy that you were so good at being born. And you got lots of presents that day, but I think you used them up already. That's how it is with presents. So, I will just send this prayer to the best giver of all: dear god: thank you for heather...for her beauty, both inside and out. Give her all happiness and let her know how much she is loved by the important ones in her life...especially by YOu. Amen. pOoh."
See?!? She is amazing. I love her SO much.
The day ended pretty good...when the mister gave me these....
diamonds make all girls happy, right?
Guess what????
Happy Thursday kittens!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday!
    So sweet of your stepdaughter to get you flowers. I didn't even get a happy mother's day from one.


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