
Thursday, October 31, 2013

What Zombies do you need to kill?

Hey Ya'll....Long time no see.
Today is Halloween...I am not so much a fan of Halloween. Too much creepy-ness. But...I totes love all the candy. Give me a bucket full of Reese's and nerds and I am a happy girl.
Because its Halloween....Lets talk about Zombies.
You know....the flesh eating undead creepy creepers. 
What do Zombies do? They attack and eat living people. Living Flesh. Anything with a heart beat. And once a Zombie bites are infected...then you turn into a zombie yourself.
Its like in the Movie World War Z....the Zombies can hear and smell living things. They are drawn to the warm bodies and heart beats. But all they want to do is kill them and eat them.
Zombies don't feed off of sick or dead things...they only want things that are alive and well.
Zombies represent the devil. And Sin. You see....everyone has Zombies that try to kill and destroy their living body. When you are doing well, and living for Jesus...the devil tries everything he can to kill and destroy your walk with Christ. He tries to "bite you" and infect you with things like unforgiveness, lust, anger and jealousy.
Its just like a can try to bury it...but it just comes back up again.
The only way you can kill a zombie is to shoot it in the head. Then its dead for good.
The devil likes to take our "zombies"...our sin...and keep reminding us of what we've done wrong. He raises it from the dead. We think its gone...and then all of the sudden we are reminded and here comes all the shame and guilt.
But have the ultimate Zombie killer. We have Jesus. He tells us that in Him....we don't have to deal with our Zombies anymore.

Colossians 3:8-14

The Message (MSG)
5-8 And that means killing off everything connected with that way of death: sexual promiscuity, impurity, lust, doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy. That’s a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God. It’s because of this kind of thing that God is about to explode in anger. It wasn’t long ago that you were doing all that stuff and not knowing any better. But you know better now, so make sure it’s all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness, profanity, dirty talk.
9-11 Don’t lie to one another. You’re done with that old life. It’s like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you’ve stripped off and put in the fire. Now you’re dressed in a new wardrobe. Every item of your new way of life is custom-made by the Creator, with his label on it. All the old fashions are now obsolete. Words like Jewish and non-Jewish, religious and irreligious, insider and outsider, uncivilized and uncouth, slave and free, mean nothing. From now on everyone is defined by Christ, everyone is included in Christ.
12-14 So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It’s your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.
When we accept Christ we have the ability to SLAY the ZOMBIES. We don't have to fall victim to the flesh eating monsters. But we have to be willing to kill them. If we just sit there and don't protect ourselves or take measures to kill them (read our bibles, stay accountable, pray, fellowship with other believers) then they attack us. And once a Zombie gets you down...all the other zombies come running...then its like you have no hope.
But there is hope. We can be free. We don't have to walk in fear.
What Zombies are attacking your life right now?
My biggest ones are fear, unforgiveness, trust, and the fact the I disrespect my husband.
I know that I have the power to kill these Zombies...and I am working on Zombie at a time.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The F word.

Get your mind out of the gutter.
I'm not gonna cuss you out.
The F word Imma talk about is FUN! it relates to your marriage.
You HAVE to be able to have fun with your spouse. You have to be able to laugh together. You HAVE TO GO ON DATES together. Dates where you don't talk about kids, or bills or work or anything else that could be a "hot button" for you. Do something together that makes you both feel loved and special. Or something that takes the weight off of your shoulders, if even for just an hour or two.
The mister and I have date night once a week. At first we thought "we cant afford that!" but then as you think about how much it would cost for a divorce.....a date every week is do-able. Ok I'm kidding about the divorce... but really ya'll you can think of some fabulous things that wont cost alot that will put the F word back into your marriage.
On our dates we have rules...we dont talk about the kids, or money, or anything else stressful. We talk about our dreams. I dont know how many businesses we've opened or houses we've built during those date night conversations. I've learned some of the most amazing things about my husband on our date nights.  
Now the thing that some people don't understand is that a date doesn't have to mean dinner and movie. There are SO many other things you can do (besides the obvi...making out, hand holding, etc.) HA!
Here are some ideas:
Scavenger Hunt at a store (FREE)- make a list together of 20 things that you need to find at the mall, walmart, outdoors...anywhere then go together and find them. Take pictures of each item. Its fun if you do it with another couple. Then its a race to see who can find all their items first!
Chopped Challenge (some cost involved) - ask your friends on facebook, twitter or your blog to give you 4-5 items that each of you have to create a dish from. Then have your kids or friends judge who made the best dish!
Extreme Home Makeover (ok maybe not so extreme :) ) (some cost involved) Pick one little project in your house and do it together. Paint a a shelf...landscape the yard. Do something your communication and team work!
The three hour date (some cost) Pack some food, water, a blanket....and then get in your car and drive for 1 hour. It doesn't matter what direction. Just drive for one hour. After an hour...stop. If you are somewhere in a town, find a cute restaurant or stores to check out. If you aren't anywhere near a town or city, find a place to pull off the road and find a place to have a picnic. Or sit on the hood of your car and talk (or makeout!) After an back home. Its like a little adventure..that the two of you are on together. No set plan. Just three hours. The mister and I LOVE going on drives together...we have some of the BEST conversations in the car!
Sometimes its hard to get out of the house if you have here's my suggestion..find a group of friends that will trade babysitting nights with you. You watch their kids one night, so they can go out, then they watch yours another night so you can go out. FREE BABYSITTING!
Ok so you get the idea.
Just make time for each other. Have fun.
 Its worth it. 
You have to invest in your marriage and the best way to do that it to spend time together. Its like a bank account. If you never put money in, but you keep get overdrawn...then its big trouble for you!  

Monday, August 5, 2013

Life Choices.

Usually I stay away from asking ya'll for things....because no one wants to be "hit up" for money every time that they sit down to read blogs! Its our happy place right!
Well I am reaching out to the blogging community to see if I can have you help me raise money for my organization!
 I am the Development Director for Life Choices Clinic! I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much this place has impacted my life.
At Life Choices Clinic we are all about saving babies, helping moms and breaking destructive cycles.
Every SINGLE day in our little brick building....God moves. Peoples hearts are changed, lives are saved, hope is restored and destructive cycles are broken.
Life Choices Clinic is a place where women can go and be heard, be listened to...its a place where they have a chance to tell someone what their hopes and dreams are.
We offer free pregnancy tests, free ultrasounds, and material assistance.
We teach parenting and life skills classes and give women and families a chance to learn how to be good parents, how to discipline with love and logic instead of more destructive behaviors.
We offer post abortion counseling, for women who have made the choice to have an abortion and who need someone to talk to.
We help women and families find hope.
 I have learned while working here that every single life is beautiful and every single person has their own story.
God has created these beautiful masterpieces called his children...and at Life Choices Clinic we get to see his artwork...his graceful brushstrokes first hand.

I am asking you to support me in the Walk for Life because Life Choices needs your help! We are completely funded by our community, churches and individuals who have a heart for life and desire to see the message of hope, truth and life be spoken out clearly.Your donation to my Walk for Life team can help us impact EVEN more people! We receive no government funding at all. Everything we do is completely funded by people like you who love and support life.

Its takes 2,000 to save a baby, and every 1,000 impacts 6 lives.

Please consider helping us reach our goal of $20,000!

If you want to help you can go here to give and read more about what we do!

If you would like to give to help our cause, I am giving away a gorgeous hat from Studio 3130!
Just enter the rafflecopter below and follow the steps for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Perfect Life.

 Happy Monday Ya'll!!
I am blessed. Can I just say that? I am SO blessed. I don't have the perfect marriage (in fact its FAR from that). I don't have the perfect life....I am not perfect. I am a hot mess.
But I am SO thankful for the life that God has given me. I have SO many things in my life that I don't deserve.
I was reminded of how blessed I am when the mister walked in the house with these babies on friday! He handed them to me with a card, and said  "I love are beautiful!" sweet! I asked him why he got me flowers and he said "because they were on sale!" HA!
Saturday night I got all prettied up and we went on a triple date with some was fun to get all dolled up for a date night...we go on dates every week...but usually we just go straight from work, so I don't get to get all fancy! And if you know know I love me some fanciness!
(this is my war paint ;) )
I swear the mister HATES to take pictures with me. HATES it. I am all about some long arm shots and he just cringes every time I bust out my phone and say "smile!"
Last night we had a lazy night and since it was the first game of pre season football I was banished from the living room. I went upstairs to do a Little work and the mister came up a few hours later holding these.....
he said "lets get our hostess on!!!!!!" HA! He was SO excited that I had bought him some twinkies for his lunch.
Its the little things, I guess!
How was your weekend?

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

thank you...God bless you.

yesterday I didnt feel like cooking so the mister and I headed out to eat dinner. We had a nice dinner at one of our favorite mexican restaurants.
On the way home, we drove by wal-mart...(we live in a fairly small town)...the corner by our walmart is a place where you can usually find someone "begging" with a sign that say "homeless" or "traveling" or "hungry." But most of the time its the same 4 men that are standing there.
I carry around Blessing bags in my car
Filled with things like shampoo, deodorant, food, water and a bible or a tract. I give them out to people in need.
Yesterday when we drove by there was a man standing there whom I had never seen I pulled over, got a bag out of the back and two bottles of water...and then we drove up and my husband handed him the items. The man looked at him and said "oh man, thank you SO much..God Bless."
He was truly thankful.
Then as we got closer to home, there was ANOTHER man standing on the side of the road whom I had never seen before.
He was holding a sign that said "traveling" and he looked like my papa did...except with a loooong beard.
His eyes looked SO nice but SO sad.
We had just given out the last blessing bag that I had in the I looked at my husband with tears in my eyes and said...can we go get him some food? 
 So we got the man some dinner at Arby's and a huge refillable cup with ice water. We drove over to where he was and parked the car...and got out to talk to him. As we handed him the food my husband started asking him what he was doing and where he was going..he said he was trying to get "home" and just needed 6 dollars to buy a phone card to call his family. So we gave him a $20. The man grabbed my hand, looked me straight in the eyes and with tears in his eyes said "thank you ma'm..God bless you." As we stood on that corner talking to the man (at a pretty busy intersection) I looked at the car stopped at the light right next to us..and the people in the car were looking at us and the man with disgust. I kid you not..the lady looked at me and shook her head at me.
I got in the car and cried all the way home.
"thank you ma'm...God bless you."
When was the last time you heard that come of out of someones mouth after you have done something nice for them?

(this "story" was on FB this morning...its perfect for what I had intended on telling ya'll about today! FYI...These photos are of real homeless people. There is some doubt online as to whether or not this is a true story (below) even if it isnt...its still a good message. I am not claiming this to be true. I just like the message.)


Pastor Jeremiah Steepek transformed himself into a homeless person and went to the 10,000 member church that he was to be introduced as the head pastor at that morning. He walked around his soon to be church for 30 minutes while it was filling with people for service....only 3 people out of the 7-10,000 people said hello to him. He asked people for change to buy food....NO ONE in the church gave him change. He went into the sanctuary to sit down in the front of the church and was asked by the ushers if he would please sit n the back. He greeted people to be greeted back with stares and dirty looks, with people looking down on him and judging him. As he sat in the back of the church, he listened to the church announcements and such.
When all that was done, the elders went up and were excited to introduce the new pastor of the church to the congregation........"We would like to introduce to you Pastor Jeremiah Steepek"....The congregation looked around clapping with joy and anticipation.....The homeless man sitting in the back stood up.....and started walking down the aisle.....the clapping stopped with ALL eyes on him....he walked up the altar and took the microphone from the elders (who were in on this) and paused for a moment....then he recited “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
  After he recited this, he looked towards the congregation and told them all what he had experienced that morning...many began to cry and many heads were bowed in shame.... he then said....Today I see a gathering of people......not a church of Jesus Christ. The world has enough people, but not enough disciples...when will YOU decide to become disciples? He then dismissed service until next week.......Being a Christian is more than something you claim. It's something you live by and share with others.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Bows, Pies and 9021 OOOHHHHH.

Happy Monday Ya'll!
I had a very quiet weekend!
The mister and Colton are planning on a boys only hiking/camping trip this next they were packing their backpacks and getting their fishing gear together. They kept putting stuff in their packs, putting their packs on and then getting on the scale...then getting off...putting more stuff in...getting back on...taking some stuff out. It was pretty funny to watch :).
Colton was outside for a long time, and when he came in...he had this....
he had made a bow! And you know what? It shot...REALLY far! I kid you not...he wore that thing on his shoulder the WHOLE weekend. I made him take it off to sleep. He was SO proud of it! The mister bought him some arrows and he is going to take it camping with them.
Also this weekend I made PIE...mmm mmm good. Just call me Betty.
I made chicken pot pie...which is now my new fave thing to make. Maybe it will become a sunday tradish at our house. But this weekend I also made HUCKLEBERRY pie. Oh Lord have mercy if you have never had or smelled huckleberries...I wanted to put my entire face in the gallon ziplock bag of delish -us -ness and sniff until I passed out. They smell SO good. And they taste even better. I used those little balls of gold and strawberries and blueberries (to cut the sweet of the huckleberries). The only thing I forgot was that huckleberries are SO juicy so it leaked.....
but oh sweet mercy it was GOOD. We ate it with vanilla ice cream when it was still hot. SO good. Like knock your momma out good.
Also, this week my husband spoke my love language and bought me presents!!! Ya'll know I love me some presents.
This is what I came home to one night...
Pretty pink roses AND red velvet cake ice cream. Are you serious? he loves me. I am a lucky girl.
To cap off the weekend the mister and I spent some quality couch time together....and he napped while I watched this.
First person to shout out the TV show wins........yep you guessed it. 90210 baby.
OH MY WORD I used to love this show.
Dylan was my boyfriend.
I was totes obsessed. I remember crying my eyes out during the last episode when David and Donna got married. So, thank you soap network for playing reruns of this magical tv show.
There you have it my super exciting weekend. How was YOUR weekend?

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

The title caught you huh? should be more like...I wish I was hot like your girlfriend.
I wish I was hot like your friends, or my friends. I wish I had more money, I wish I was skinny, I wish I wasn't so skinny. I wish I looked like her...I wish I had her eyes, her boobs, her butt, her hair.
I wish I had more, was different, looked different.
Comparison is the thief of joy. It really is.
How many times have we gone into a room, a restaurant, a store and just watched the other women. Some of the first thoughts I know I have are thoughts like these:
"oh, she is SO pretty...I wish I had her hair"
"oh my gosh, she is so skinny...I could never be that skinny!"
"she has such a nice body...I bet I would have to work out 50 times a day to look like that."
I compare myself to all of the women around me.
But its not just women...its couples, and houses, and lifestyles, and salaries.
You know, "oh my and mrs so and so just built that huge house....its SO gorgeous. Our house is tiny and gross compared to theirs..."
"look at their new car...I bet it cost over $35,000...we will never be able to afford a car like that"
"they look like the perfect couple...I never ever see them argue...and she always looks so put together. They look like they are SO in love. Why dont we look like that?"
Everywhere we can, we compare ourselves to others! WHY??? Why are we saying that who we are, what we have, and who God made us is not enough?
Can you imagine what the world would be like if we stopped trying to keep up with others? If we stopped trying to be like everyone else?
I want to be happy with me. With my house, with my car, with my kids, with my husband. With my big ole booty, my thighs, my double chin, my hair, my eyes. I want to be happy with who I am and who God made me, and what He has given me. It needs to be enough.
I love these verses...they are great reminders....
Galatians 6:5…“Don't be impressed with yourself. Don't compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”
 “Be content with what you have” –Hebrews 13:5
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else.” –Galatians 6:4
“Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” –2 Corinthians 10:12
“For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” –Matthew 7:2
So reminded that you are exactly who God made you to be. You are HIS masterpiece. He has blessed you with your job, your kids, your family, your husband, your house, your car, your thighs, your hair, your beauty.
Be content with who you are. Don't be jealous. Don't compare yourself.
Look in the mirror and say " are FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and mean it!
Then tell those around you how thankful you are.
And have a FABULOUS Thursday!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


We all need it.
Whether its to help us go to the gym, read our bibles, or stay sober from an addiction. Accountability is something that is vital to success in alot of things.
But so many people dont realize that to really have accountability...they have to HONEST and OPEN with the people that they have asked to help them.
If you ask someone to help you get to the push you to eat right and work out...then they ask you "Hey are you doing? Did you stick to your clean eating today?" and your response (as you hide the candy wrapper in your purse) is "Yes! I havent had sugar in two weeks!" Well...then you are just wasting your time...and theirs!
What about someone struggling with something even addiction? Being OPEN is crucial.
Like the husband who has been struggling with a pornography addiction for years...he finally comes clean with his problem, and asks for help. He meets weekly with another guy and they talk about their struggles. But they arent honest with eachother...again, without honesty...whats the point?
I am SO blessed to be a part of a group that is helping Craig Gross (founder of AMAZING site that helps men and women break free from the chains of sexual addiction, pornography, and lust) launch his new book "OPEN."

 Its a book about getting honest.
You can check out the website for the book HERE
"From families to marriages to businesses, on a scale as global as the credit default swap meltdown or as personal as our last session on the Internet, we are suckers for bad ideas. Why do we so often make poor decisions that can lead to life-shattering results? Why do we promise ourselves to do better only to slide back into our old habits?
Why can’t we help ourselves?
The time has come for each of us to become accountable. To experience the freedom, peace of mind, and overwhelming self-confidence that come from living a life free of secrets and lies.
In every area of our lives, it’s time to go beyond self-help . . . it’s time to get accountable."
I don't say this often, but this book is a must read. Every time I speak somewhere or get emails with people asking me how to find healing in particular areas, my response is always "Community." Craig does a beautiful job in articulating how the path to true joy is found in being real, honest, & accountable.

~ Jefferson Bethke ~

Here is a cool quiz to see if you are "OPEN"

I am going to be giving away a PRE RELEASED copy of this amazing, life changing book! All you have to do is enter in the rafflecopter below!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hi, Honey....I'm Home!
Well, not at your home! Its been over two months since I have blogged! CrazyNESS! But I decided to take some time off to just spend time with my family. It was super worth it. The beginning of summer is always super duper busy at our house..because my baby girl is here from we PACK a ton of stuff into those summer months.
We went to Seattle....
Pike Place market....
Point Defiance Zoo...
We went to las Vegas....
And we spent TONS of time just being with eachother.
I will give you more deets on our trips later, I just wanted to say HEY..and let you know that I am still alive!
Being with all my kiddos is so important to me...I have so many friends who post things like "I am so ready for my kids to go BACK to school" or "my kids are already driving me crazy".
Now, I get it...I get that your kids drive you crazy.
But, be thankful.
Be thankful that you get to spend time with them.
Make that time INTENTIONAL time. Do things with them. Dont just set them in front of the TV and lay by the pool. Make memories. Play games.
 Get in the pool with them. Don't waste a SECOND. treasure it.
Ok...end of that.
Happy Tuesday lovies...

Monday, May 20, 2013


You know when you are having an awesome day...everything is totes fab..then...something happens and you lose it.

You turn into a raging wilderbeast. You want to throat punch everyone.
What? You don't have moments like that?'re kidding yourself. We ALL have moments like that. We ALL let certain people or circumstances steal our joy.
And we don't have to. We don't have to let the people around us, our problems, our bosses, our friends..steal our joy. Its something that should be unshakable. Because true joy doesn't always mean happiness.

Proverbs 15:13

The Message (MSG)
13 A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.
True joy comes from God. Like the real true joy. The joy that helps you stand strong when troubles come and people annoy you. The joy that lets you laugh or smile even when things seems to suck the worst.
Joy is one of the fruits of the spirit...which means that its in us...when we accept Christ into our hearts we receive the fruits of the spirit...and JOY is one of them. SO even when you don't feel it..its in you.
There are over 200 verses in the bible that talk about Joy...these are some of my favs...
Proverbs 17:22         
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.
James 1:2     
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds

Nehemiah 8:10

He continued, “Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share it with those who don’t have anything: This day is holy to God. Don’t feel bad. The joy of God is your strength!”

Jesus tells us to be joyful even in times of trouble? You say..What?? That's totes crazy...but we have the ability to be joyful....ALL THE TIME. Its just up to us if we choose to do it.
So here is my challenge to you today...
Choose Joy today.  And then give some away.
Smile at someone today, say hello to someone who looks sad. Take the time to talk to someone about their day, and really listen. Did you get that? REALLY listen, ask them how they are doing and really mean it.
Use the joy that you have been givin and give it to someone else. You might change their whole week around. You might make a dark time for them seem even brighter.
But you have to be bold. You have let your joy shine.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Me, me, me

Its all about me.
Just kidding.
Actually this post is alot about me, but thats ok.
So remember when I told you I was trying to do the "every day in may" blog challenge? Well, how do I put this...I suck. I didnt even blog more than once a week. Blogger fail.
So last weekend was Mothers Day. It was a tough day for me. Since my mom is in heaven, and my daughter was with her dad in sucked. I was kind of a mess all day. But we had lots of places to go, so I put on a pretty dress...sucked it up, put on a smile and ALOT of waterproof mascara. It was hard to remember this amazing woman, and not be able to hug her and tell her how much I love her.
(me and my momma)
My oldest step daughter Kendra brought me some gorgeous flowers and a card that was so sweet it made me cry. I really am So blessed, even without my momma, and my baby girl...I still had SO much to be thankful for on Mothers Day.
She made me smile with my flowers....haha SO cheesy :)
Now I want you to meet this woman...
she is my "Pooh" my momma's momma...she is the most gracious, loving, dignified, smart, Jesus loving Woman I know. And I am SO honored to be her grand-daughter. Seriously...she is AMAZING.
My birthday is tomorrow and I was talking about it on facebook, and this is what she wrote on my comment:
"I know about your birthday. I was there. Everybody was very happy that you were so good at being born. And you got lots of presents that day, but I think you used them up already. That's how it is with presents. So, I will just send this prayer to the best giver of all: dear god: thank you for heather...for her beauty, both inside and out. Give her all happiness and let her know how much she is loved by the important ones in her life...especially by YOu. Amen. pOoh."
See?!? She is amazing. I love her SO much.
The day ended pretty good...when the mister gave me these....
diamonds make all girls happy, right?
Guess what????
Happy Thursday kittens!