Tuesday, August 17, 2010
My Baby Girl starts first grade!

Top Two characters
Top Two characters I would like to play on TV or in a Movie....
- Baby (Frances Houseman) From dirty dancing

Who wouldnt wanna be her? Learn to dance like that...with a hottie like PS? When this movie first came out, I would watch it over and over again (I was like 9) and then I would pretend to dance like her...I would run and jump onto the table on my tummy like I was doing the lift :) Its still one of my FAVORITE movies :)
2. Charlie from Charlie St. Cloud

(only the part of him being able to see and spend time with his brother, I dont believe in ghosts or all of that stuff...but the idea of being able to see and talk to my mom is something I wouldnt mind) Only because I miss my Mom SO much, and even though I know that she is perfect and joyful in heaven, I still wish I had her here. So part of me wishes I could have just a little more time with her. To hug her, and tell her how much I love and appreciate her.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Broken Hearts

Tuesday, August 10, 2010
this is me being judgemental
Hubs: What
Me: did you see that?
Hubs: did I see what?
Me: that woman
Hubs: No
Me: dude, when she bent over I could see all of her la la
Hubs: thats wrong
Me: seriously, nasty..
Hubs: (as he looks over at them) I think I know them , I've seen them around together... I think that she is a hooker, or a mail order bride or something, they act like they dont even like eachother together..but he acts like he owns her, and she is ALWAYS dressed like that, acting like shes all that...
Me: with all her kibbles and bits hanging out?
Hubs: yep..its nasty
Me: for real, who goes to costco with their la la hanging out?
Hubs: I guess hookers and mail order brides do..
Me: (jabs him in the ribs) how do you know about hookers and mail order brides?
Hubs: (rolls his eyes) can we please finish shopping now?
Me: yes, but I'm not gonna bend over like that to get the eggs..
who goes to costco looking like they are ready to go on stage at a strip club???
that girl needs Jesus...and a longer skirt :)
1. Do you have an innie or an outie?
I have an innie... being the voluptuous gal that I am :)
2. What kind of milkshake do you order?
I LOVE milkshakes :) chocolate or Vanilla malts, or huckleberry milkshakes
3. How often do you repeat outfits at work?
It depends on the season, I have more winter clothes than summer clothes, so in the summer I wear the same things week after week...I suck :)
4. What are your feelings about thank you notes?
I love getting thank you notes, but I am horrible at sending them...but I do know that for most people a hand written note is so special, I have to send thank you notes for my work, and I enjoy that..knowing that it makes my clients feel special!
5. Do you like spicy food?
Yes, but I didnt like anything spicy until after I had my daughter..now I LOVE spicy food!
6. How many toilet paper squares do you use?
Probably too much :)
7. Were you in Girl Scouts?
I was a brownie, but the only thing I remember from that was that we had a slumber party one night at our troop leaders house, and a girl there had headlice, when my mom found out, she came and got me!
8. Notebooks/Journals: College ruled? Wide Ruled? No lines? Spiral Bound? Plain front? Decorative?
My boss recently gave me a set of pink moleskin notebooks, they are small, with no lines...and I love them!
9. Do you snack throughout the day? What do you pack for snacks?
Not usually...but then I MOW down when I get home...I should start packing stuff for snacks at work, but I forget...and I am usually running around like a half asleep crazy person in the morning! Recently, I started freezing purple and green grapes...O my heavens they are SO yummy!
10. What is your favorite month? Why?
I'm not sure on this one, it used to be december, but since my mom passed away, I'm not feeling it so much...so lets say May, because its my birthday, mothers day, and my wedding anniversary!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Lady Antebellum - Webisode Wednesday - Episode 117
Have I mentioned how much I love them? :) Webisode Wednesday from last week...
Top Two Tips
- Shopping Tip
I am a compulsive shopper, I shop when I'm happy, sad, bored, lonely, angry...basically I shop when I have any emotion at all. And that gets me in trouble! :) I also hate to try things on in the store..both of these tend to get me in trouble!
So I've figured out a system ( mind you that I am a little insane) ! If I go shopping and I find something (clothes or accessories) that I think I cant live without, I buy it..but when I get home, I leave it in the bag..and hang it on the hand of my closet door. If I use it, or wear it within a week, then I know it was a good purchase :) but if it sits in the bag for a week, then I take it back, no harm, no foul :) There have been too many times that I buy something on an impulse and it sits in my closet or in my bathroom for weeks, or months...and I got tired of pulling things out of my closet with tags still attached! So this systems saves me money in the long run, and I still get to feed my shopping addiction :) I do the same things with my older girls (one is 14 and one is 12)...if I buy them something and they dont use it or wear it within a month I take it back.
2. Hair Tip
I do hair, I've done hair for over 10 years now, and I LOVE it...one of my favorite products to use on my clients, and on myself is this....It's a 10 miracle leave in...this stuff is BANANAS! no joke, sometimes, after a really intense color, I wont even condition my clients, I just load their hair with this....and it is AMAZING...even if you have hair that NEEDS conditioned to be able to even get a brush through...this stuff does the job...
And this stuff...I put it in my color, and bleach, and then I use about a capful before I style...I use it on my own hair when I wash it at night, I put a capful ( i have long hair!) in my hands and rub it all though my hair, then I put it in a tight bun...in the morning, its SO soft!! I love this stuff...plus it smells like the islands!
Weekend Recap
Saturday morning when I woke up,I felt a little better, so we decided to take a drive to Grangeville and visit my aunt and uncle and my grandma...we had never been to their new house, and it was so cute! It was good to see them! My aunt and uncle made us a yummy dinner, we had grilled steak, macaroni salad, fruit and baked beans :) It was perfect summer time food! We stayed for a few hours, then we headed home, and stopped at Dairy Queen for a blizzard!
Sunday I had made plans to go to church with my Dad, but it was 10:15 and I realized that since its august our church only has one service and it starts at 10:10, not 11:11 the normal one that we go to! So I had to rush and get there before my dad, since we missed 45 minutes of the service, we decided to just go have breakfast! We went to waffles and more, the most fabulous down home breakfast place in our town...and it was so good! Plus it was good to spend some one on one time with my dad! The hubs had to work last night until 6, so when he got off we ran to the diner by our house and grabbed dinner, and we watched The Next Food Network Star!

I LOVE Aarti...and I hope she wins :) Shes just so cute, she always has a flower in her hair..which I LOVE! Plus, the girl can cook!
I got to talk to my baby girl miss M on Sunday, and it made my heart happy to talk to her, even if it was just for a second...I really wish her Dad would be more cooperative...but I pray for him every single day! I am sending her a new princess backpack today as she will start FIRST grade soon...thats just insane to me! Its crazy that shes grown up so much..
From this....

She is SO smart, and so pretty, and she is the light of my life! I am SO thankful to that God gave me such a perfect gift!
"I cried out to the Lord, and he answered me from his holy mountain."
Psalm 3:4
Happy Monday!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Simple Pleasures
- bedtime when miss M is here...Snuggling/singing to miss M ...I wish I could snuggle and sing her to sleep every single night, hearing her sweet little voice sing with me, and then she'll say "mommy scratch my back" and after I do for a while, then she starts to scratch mine...she is so gentle and sweet...we have the BEST conversations when we snuggle at bed time, and then my favorite part of that is praying for her, and then hearing her sweet prayers too.
- when my hubby texts me and tells me he loves me...which he does more than once....every single day :)
what are your top 2 simple pleasures?

I am so thankful to have a best friend like her, she is always there for me, and she knows me better than anyone...Love you Marie!