
Monday, March 4, 2013

cray cray

yep thats me. Cray cray from crazy town. over here....on the hot mess express. There are so many things happening right now...I cant even count them. My brain wont ever shut off. I cant sleep at night.
I over commit myself. Do any of you do that? I say yes to WAY too many things. Then I feel like crap when things dont turn out the way they are supposed to. I need to learn to say no.
I have started putting my phone in my purse when I get home at more facebooking, instagramming and twittering ALL the time.
 My family deserves that attention. But it stresses me out when I do grab my phone and I have 16 texts and a million emails.
Why are we such busy people? Why cant we just chill? Take a chill pill...
I think the world would be better if we all did a few things differently:
  • Take a chill pill
  • No more porn, no more women and children SOLD INTO sex slavery.
  • No more movies with cussing, nakedness and violence in them
  • No more drugs
  • No more bullying
  • No more hunger
  • No more busyness
  • No more obsessive compulsive facebook checking
  • Love everyone. Seriously.
  • Give 5 people one compliment EVERY SINGLE DAY. and mean it.
  • Be nice to your husband/friends/girlfriend/wife/kids... Treat them like your supposed to. Even when they dont treat you like they are supposed to. Speak life...dont speak death.
  • Give 10% of what you have to people who need it more than you or your church. You will be blessed. I promise.
Work is hard right now, giving is down...and our ministry is struggling to make ends meet. We are having such a HUGE impact on our Valley...Every single day we are saving babies, helping moms and breaking cycles...and TRANSFORMING LIVES....I just wish more people would step out in faith and support this mission.
Ok....I think that's all that's swimming in my head right now.
Sorry if you came here for extra awesome its just not happening.
You just get my randomness.

1 comment:

  1. Great minds think alike! Not cray cray. Not randomness. Just honesty. The world would be awesome if we could all get our priorities in order...


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