- A God who loves me despite my ugly ugly sin
- A husband who loves me despite all of the crap I give him
- A beautiful healthy little girl who knows the Lord and who knows how much I love her
- 3 healthy, smart, amazing step kids
- A job (that I might not like all the time, but it pays the bills)
- A husband who has a job
- family members whom I adore and love more than anything
- friends who would do anything for me
- a gorgeous house (with room for everyone!)
- two cars that run
- food in my fridge
- clean water
- health insurance
- enough money to pay bills and still afford
crap I dont need like designer handbags and clothesfun stuff - a good relationship with my husband
- a husband who knows the Lord
I am so blessed, and I know that the Lord has given everything I have to me...and its my prayer that I never EVER take that for granted!
It really is important to take the time to be thankful for the little things:) I loved this reminder!