I am about to write a post about being broke. get ready for it.
6 years ago the mister decided that he wanted to go back to school to get his Bachelors degree. Ok.. no big..right?!? Well, lets see...4 kids, a high maintenance wife, a full time job for him, a full time job for me...AND SCHOOL? We knew we could do it.
And we did.

He graduated in 4 years and had high honors. Now he has an amazing job...and we are doing better than ever.
But when he was in school money was SO tight. If you have ever been in college or have had someone in your family go to college you know that its expensive. But the cost that surprised me the most EVERY SINGLE semester? BOOKS!!! How can you be serious that a text book talking about history or math or sciences or something else silly completely needed...costs $200 bucks!!!!! When I was in college my parents paid for my books so I never thought twice about it. But this time around we had to pay for it ourselves. The first year we just bought all of the books from the campus bookstore. The total was $636 FOR BOOKS!!! Holy Moly...I just had a heart murmur thinking about it.
But the SECOND year I wised up and we RENTED his books. From a fabulous online site...like Campus Book Rentals (dot) com !
I saved almost 80% on his books. And this wife was a happy wife. And we know that happy wife equals happy life!
It was SUPER easy. I just took his list, went online entered the titles and found them in seconds! I received the books in 6 days, and they were in awesome condition. He could highlight in them, just like they were his own, and when the semester was over, I just stuck them into a PRE PAID envelope and sent them back!! It was EASY PEASY...and it saved us money.
PLUS...ya'll know that I love to help people..and campusbookrentals.com gives backs. A portion of every single book rented goes to Operation Smile...Their Cause: Operation Smile provides free surgeries to repair cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial deformities for children around the globe.
How fab is that? YOU save money AND you help change a child's life. Pretty legit, huh!?!
You can find A book that you might need... just by searching by title or author or a few other options...
Ok...so there you go...being in college means being broke. BUT you can save money in BIG ways by renting your books instead of buying them.
Save a little lettuce to support your shoe fetish...fergie style.
Uh huh...I just quoted fergie. Your welcome.
Stay Glamorous...and rent your books instead of buying them!!!!!
Never heard of that before...we have a son who will be in college in a few years - great to know! :)