Sunday, August 19, 2012

Women of Faith - Celebrate!

This weekend 3 friends and I went and volunteered at Women of Faith in Spokane! It was my 6th year attending the conference and my 4 year volunteering, and I think that it was my favorite year so far. God is awesome...and His awsomeness was ABUNDANT this weekend.

The theme this year was Celebrate and there were alot of changes to the program...but all of them made a huge impact, and in my opinion were completely amazing.
The first night was the always hilarious and inspiring Ken Davis! His message was about being "fully alive" and LIVING! He spoke about three main points:
  1. God is the author of JOY! True joy comes from Him...
  2. Perfection is not a requirement! God didnt make us perfect!
  3. God will NEVER let you down. He can be trusted!
His message was awesome...and He is hilarious!

Then we had the pleasure of hearing the amazing CeCe Winans!
And let me tell you, that woman has some pipes on her! She was fabulous! She sang this song "My Alabaster Box" was about the prostitute who washed Jesus feet with her tears and poured her oiled perfume on them and dried them with her hair...

Luke 7:37 36 When one of the Pharisees invited Jesus to have dinner with him, he went to the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. 37 A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. 38 As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them.

It was awesome amazing beautiful...actually there arent words to describe that song. You have to hear it yourself!

The Next day we heard from Sheila Walsh, Liz Curtus Higgs, Angie Smith, Pat Smith, Selah and Lisa Harper.

Sheila talked about how sometimes we have to get real, and be broken before God, because thats when he can work the best! She said "Its's amazing what God can do with a broken heart and a broken life when you give Him all of the pieces." Sheila is always fabulous to listen to, and every single time I hear her speak, its like the words are JUST for me.

Liz was HILARIOUS! She talked about loving yourself for who God created you to be. She said "The day God created you, He said "WOW!!" He loves you EXACTLY as you are Gods definition of beautiful for YOU, not for anyone else! She encouraged us to stand in front of the mirror and say TA-DA!!! Like we are a masterpiece...a priceless peice of art. I love it...its something I am going to try and do...because God doesnt make junk...He makes masterpieces!

Then she did the most hilarious've gotta watch it!

The fabulous Lisa Harper told us about the greatest Love story ever....(The Bible) and How God is fully, completely, totally in LOVE with us. She used the best analogy...Its like God wants to take you to the mall on the day after Thanksgiving...when its PACKED with people. He wants to wear a shirt that says "I'm with her" so that everyone in that whole place knows that He loves you. He isnt about to try and hide how He feels about you.

I wish that everyone could see that....That God really REALLY loves them

I have to say that one of my favorite speakers from the whole weekend was Angie Smith. She is the wife of Todd Smith from Selah. She is gorgeous, transparent, graceful, and wise. But she is also hilarious. She told us about losing her daughter Audrey. She told us about fear...and about being so afraid to go into the deep of the water...because thats where the waves can wash over you. And about how its only when you face your fears, and see that God is faithful through ALL of it that you can fully trust Him. She said "I believed in Christ from the shore, but I knew Him in the deep.". I am so thankful that God uses real women to speak into our lives....hearing Angies story was a blessing.

 I got to meet her and have her sign a book for our clinic!

One of the other sweet things from the weekend was the "Jesus Painter". It was have to learn more about can check it out here: . There was an orginal canvas of His painting for sale...and the last day I acted like I was going to snag it..You couldnt tell, right?
The weekend was awesome. God used the worship, the speakers, and the performers to break chains, crumble walls, and move mountains. He is good, and so is Women of Faith...if you have never been, you NEED to check it out. For real. You wont be sorry. I promise!  Here is the list of the upcoming events!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I was thinking of going to Women of Faith in Sacramento in October, looks fun! Did you love it!
    Who is Angie Smith?

    P.S your blog is cute!



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